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ICF Global

International Coach Federation Core Purpose:
To advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching.

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest worldwide resource for 
business and personal coaches, and the source for those who are seeking a coach. 

ICF is a nonprofit, individual membership organization formed by professionals worldwide who practice business and personal coaching and consists of more than 27,000 members in more than 100 countries around the world.

ICF exists to build, support and preserve the integrity of the coaching profession. The organization accredits coach training programs that meet its stringent standards (continuing education) and develops and implements programs that assist in the professional development of its membership. In addition to the professional development opportunities of an annual conference, the ICF provides professional growth opportunities through its local, regional and virtual chapters throughout the world.

ICF developed and promotes an industry-wide Code of Ethics and the first universally accepted accreditation process which preserves the integrity of coaching through standardized credentials that assist consumers in choosing professional coaches.

To contact the international office of ICF, located in the United States: