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Caroline Geraci 

Waunakee, WI

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Waunakee, WI

Waunakee, WI 

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Certified by a professional coach training school
Doctorate/advanced degree
Associate Certified Coach


Are you ready to have the positive impact on the world that you KNOW you are capable of? 

Caroline is a life and business transformation coach who works with motivated women to get clear on their gifts and purpose, have confidence in their power, and strategize how to achieve exactly what they want in life and business. A virtuoso at pulling out of her clients far more than they can see in themselves, Caroline is known for evoking life changing insights and transformation. The result: they experience exponential personal and professional growth!

Caroline uses an evidence-based coaching methodology. Her approach is informed by her background in positive psychology, which began when she was an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, doing applied positive psychology research for Martin Seligman (often referred to as the father of positive psychology). She is experienced in psychological assessment, prevention, counseling, intervention, and consultation, as well as in creating and leading businesses from the ground up. In addition to her International Coaching Federation credential, she holds an M.Ed. in school psychology, a J.D. and a real estate license. Having been an attorney, serial entrepreneur, educational consultant, and cofounder of multiple nonprofits, Caroline has “walked the walk” of bringing her own personal vision to fruition—again and again as her life has evolved. 

Caroline wakes up every morning, raring to start her day, because she feels absolutely fulfilled in her life. If you're ready to feel alive, creative, and deeply connected to who you are and what you are becoming, book a free conversation with her by clicking on the link below. Together, you will explore your life as it is, as it could be, what it will look like if you decide to work together, and whether she is the right coach to get you where you need to go!

There has only ever been, and only ever will be, one YOU.

Allow yourself the opportunity to fulfill your unique potential and thrive, so you can share the best of who YOU are with humanity!

Click here to book a conversation with Caroline: